Thursday, February 27, 2014

How to Overcome Emotional Bondage

I remember one day asking my father-in-law, a Catholic, that when he partakes of communion where the host (wafer) actually becomes the “human flesh” of Christ (after the Catholic priest does his magic at the altar), what part of Christ is he eating? “Are you eating the little pinky, the belly button, the little toe, his nose?” He got very angry with me because I faced him with reality verses the “Doctrine of transubstantiation” called the “Mystery of the Eucharist” that every good Catholic must believe.

 This “Mystery of the Eucharist” is no different from the “Mystery of the Trinity.” All is a “mystery” in the Roman Catholic world and to its Protestant daughters. When Christ died on the cross, the WHOLE man died, but yet if “Christ is God” and God alone is immortal, how can God die? Did only one third of him die? This is where the “double talk” begins where they try to "explain the mystery of the Trinity" by talking about the “man part” dying and not the “God part” which is not found anywhere in scripture, but yet the Mystery Trinity doctrine is the foundation of mainline Christianity and cornerstone of all doctrine. The Trinity doctrine is only found in a creed developed hundreds of years after Christ and named after a man (“The Athanasian Creed”), which makes it clear that if you do not submit to this doctrine of the Trinity you cannot be considered a Christian. And people who do not submit to the doctrine of the Trinity are labeled by those who submit to this mysterious masterpiece of such rubbish as deceived, are damned eternally and a danger to other Christians and to avoid them at all cost.

This is not to mention what the creed says about the Trinity, “Neither confounding the persons nor dividing the substance,” and yet go on to explain the “man part” and the “God part” (DIVIDING Jesus). I imagine Christ himself could not be saved if he did not submit to this “mysterious” doctrine!

Now there are some who say I should not criticize those of the Catholic faith because I really don't understand their faith. I assure you, I understand the Catholic faith very well and its doctrines. I was a very devout Catholic, a minister of the Eucharist, faithfully praying the rosary daily, praying Novenas (“Novena,” which is a series of prayers said for nine days straight for the intercession of a particular saint), and even entered the convent to be a nun, so please don't tell me I don't know what I am talking about.

What I also understand, raised a Catholic, is that there is a very strong emotional attachment to the traditions and the teachings of the Catholic church and that is why it is so hard for some people to break away. The Roman Catholic Church also uses its fear tactics as well to keep people in bondage to its system and doctrines. I even had a priest strongly suggest I get back into the Catholic faith, to “Come home” as he put it, or there would be serious consequences for my soul.

When we are given correction and take the scriptures seriously, something begins to happen. We start getting in the habit of asking very logical, legitimate questions of beliefs held contrary to scripture. Sadly though, when we do this with our friends and strangers, it causes a lot of anger in those bound to traditional teachings. How dare we examine or investigate and question dearly held traditions and traditional teachings. They start hurling accusations and try their best to smear your character, and even damn you to hell! I understand though, because I was once there, but when truth is exposed we can no longer claim blindness or ignorance. Sometimes deception can be by ignorance and at times deception is by choice.

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